Sabtu, 25 Juli 2009


Berikut ini kami upload contoh beberapa Pring (Bambu) Pethuk yang sudah tersohor kemasyhurannya. Dalam takwil sejarahnya disebutkan bahwa PRING PETHUK TEMU ROSE asal kejadiannya adalah karena Pring (Bambu) tersebut pernah diinjak oleh Malaikat seraya bertasbih kepada Allah maka karena Kuasa Allah rose Pring tersebut jadi kembali (mbalik karenanya). Pring Pethuk adanya di Dunia adalah 1x dalam 1x masa, artinya hanya ada dalam 500 Tahun sekali, silahkan di hitung sendiri kira2 ada berapa di dunia ini, belum dikurangi yang sudah rusak dsbnya, makanya banyk sekali kita dapati Pring2 Pethuk yang Palsu alias hasil rekayasa, Mohon maaf dan terima kasih

Jumat, 06 Juni 2008



Batik is one of the supreme products in Tuban Regency which have penetrating the International market. Typical Tuban batik consist of wove and batik wrote from silk material. The centre of wove batik industry or known as Gedog wove and batik wrote silk is in Margorejo village, Kerek district, Bongkol Village, Tuban district and in Semanding Village of Karang district. Respectively this batik had the typical characteristics separately that all of them were produced in a traditional manner, both from the process of the thread spinning and has execution. This typical Tuban batik was often sold in each kiosk / souvenir shop.



The unique thing of Akbar Cafe is the charming of its huge spaces and also its long tunnels. There are also many interesting scenery of cave which you can not find in other places. If we come in the cave we will see the river that flow calmly, in that river we will see the various fishes, which the water comes from water fall in the centre of the cave. You may feed the fish by throwing down a little piece of bread. In other part of space, called "Mahahandhapa Sri Manganti", the visitors will be presented with traditional music like Gamelan, Siteran and any other traditional music. Sometimes, there is a solo pionist or guitarist, and the visitors can involve in singing a song.

This cave has two sacred places called "Pasepen Kori Sinandi" and "Pasujudan Baitul Akbar". You have to put of your shoes when you are going to enter. It is forbiden for women who get menstruation.
The area of the cave has been opened about five hundred in square meter only. The long tunnels that are forty or fifty kilometers has been closed to avoid any danger. Small cafeteria is available, too. The slow music will accompany while you're enjoying the food and drinks.

That is the miracle of God as Mercy with dedicated to human in order to care and protect, finally it was to be enjoyed. Based on that case Mr. Haji Hindarto, head of regent of Tuban thought that, Akbar cave can be renovated to be a wonderful and amazing tourism object. So he began to realize his dream cames true. Finally, he built it up with the sense of art, and now we can see what wonderful it is.

The cave is located in the centre of the town. It is behind the traditional market "Pasar Baru". So you will not find any difficulties to get there. Come and see its beauty.

The Legend of Akbar Cave
* This cave had been used for training centre of Ronggolawe soldiers when they planned to attack Mojopahit Kingdom at 13th Century.
* This miracles cave was well-known as a hidden place of Raden Mas Sahid, a generous robber who finally regretted and becomes the saints of Islam (Wali Songo), with his popular name "Sunan Kalijaga" in 17th century.

Regency of Tuban, East Java, Indonesia, History and Tourism

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tuban is an ancient town located at north coast of Java and it is about 100 km west of Surabaya, the capital of east java. Tuban is surrounded by Lamongan in the east, Bojonegoro in the south and Rembang, Central Java in the west.

As an ancient town, Tuban has historical and cultural values. Moreover, the most amazing one is the beauty of the sceneries such as beaches, caves, and forest, especially the teak forest.

Tuban was formerly an important port in Majapahit era and is mentioned in Chinese records from the eleventh century. Tuban is believed to have been Islamised before it's conquest by Demak c. 1527. Even following its Islamisation, it remained loyal to Hindu-Buddhist Majapahit.[1] The grave of Sunan Bonang, a sixteenth-century Islamic missionary - one of the Wali Sanga involved in the initial spread of Islam in Java, is located in Tuban. This site is an important destination for Muslim pilgrims.


The history of the tuban was started at the Kingdom of Mojopahit era in 15th century. Once upon a time, there was an important ceremonial as the king of mojopahit crowned Ronggolawe as the principle of tuban region. It was held at 12 Novermber 1293 and that date becomes the anniversary of tuban. The spread of islam was pioneered by Sunan bonang and his follower named as Sunan Kalijaga which was the son of the tuban principle in 13th century.


Tuban is famous for tobacco and hardwood teak production. PT Semen Gresik, a major state-owned cement company, opened the largest cement factory in Indonesia in Tuban in 1994. A petrochemical plant operated by Trans-Pacific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI) opened in 2006 after several years of delays.


Tuban also known as the "thousand cave city" since there are many caves in the area. The famaous cave named as Goa Akbar is located near the city. Beside that, there are many recreational sites are very interesting to be visited such as Goa Ngerong, Pemandian Alam Bektiharjo, Air Terjun Nglirip, and etc.